从海外经验来看,发达国家或地区人造板需求稳定,集中度高。从发达国家或地区人造板发展历史来看,美国人造板产量在21世纪后步入平台期,欧洲人造板产量仍在持续增长,人造板市场步入成熟期后需求规模依然保持稳定;从下游应用领域来看,据欧洲人造板联合会(EPF),2020年欧洲人造板前几大应用分别是家具46%、建筑和装修29%、地板4%、包装4%。从集中度来看,克诺斯邦(Kronospan)和爱格 (Egger)两大龙头在欧洲市场的市占率分别达到27%、9%,CR5达50%,CR10达62%,行业集中度较高;而从下游橱柜行业集中度来看,2015年欧洲橱柜行业的CR5为35%(数据来源,Nobia年报),橱柜行业是整个家具行业集中度最 高的子板块(橱柜功能性强),家具行业集中度比装饰板材低;归因分析,板材功能属性强且易标准化生产和加工,品牌效应和规模效应明显,而家居重个性化设计、重服务属性,品牌效应和规模效应不明显,使得板材天然比家具更易集中From overseas experience, the demand for wood-based panels in developed countries or regions is stable and highly concentrated. From the development history of wood-based panels in developed countries or regions, the output of wood-based panels in the United States entered a plateau period after the 21st century, while the output of wood-based panels in Europe continued to grow, and the demand scale remained stable after the wood-based panel market entered a mature period; from the perspective of downstream application areas, according to the European Wood-Based Panels Federation (EPF), the top applications of wood-based panels in Europe in 2020 were furniture 46%, construction and decoration 29%, flooring 4%, and packaging 4%. In terms of concentration, the two leading companies Kronospan and Egger have market shares of 27% and 9% respectively in the European market, CR5 of 50% and CR10 of 62%, indicating a high degree of industry concentration. In terms of concentration in the downstream kitchen cabinet industry, the CR5 of the European kitchen cabinet industry was 35% in 2015 (data source, Nobia annual report). The kitchen cabinet industry is the most concentrated sub-sector in the entire furniture industry (cabinets are highly functional), and the furniture industry concentration is lower than that of decorative panels. Attribution analysis shows that panels have strong functional properties and are easy to produce and process in a standardized manner, with obvious brand and scale effects, while home furnishings focus on personalized design and service attributes, with no obvious brand and scale effects, making panels more naturally more concentrated than furniture.
#Automatic wood veneer rotary peeling lathe
#Russia birch wood veneer cutting machine
#hydraulic natural veneer guillotine/cutting machine
#wood veneer peeling Machine
#veneer peeling lathe
#automatic wood working machines
#Plywood Production Line Wood Based Panels Machinery
#High-Speed Veneer Peeling Line Machines Wood-Based Panels
#Plywood Veneer Making Equipment
#Door Board Making Machine
#veneer Plywood Hot Press Machines
#plywood Veneer Cold press machine


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